take the color code profile


Motivation - Learn about your why

Hartman Color Code is different from ANY of the other personality assessments on the market today. Most popular assessments strictly focus on your behavior (what you do) and leave it at that. Color Code identifies Motive (WHY you do what you do). There are 4 critical steps in the Hartman System: Get Self, Set Truth, Get Over Yourself, Get Others. Your first step is getting self 

Once you learn your driving core motive (DCM), you will understand how your strengths and limitations affect those around you. Better still, you will learn to recognize the DCMs of others–their needs and wants, significantly improving your interactions. 

After learning about yourself, Color Code, you will understand why so many people claim that they can never see themselves or others the same again.

Why do I answer the as a child?

The Hartman Color Code is that each of us has a Driving Core Motive–the
reason why we do everything we do in life. Our Driving Core Motives are
innate–they came with us at birth. That is why we advise you to take the
profile from your earliest childhood memories of yourself; the theory being
that that is when you were truest to your Driving Core Motive, before
outside influences began affecting your behaviors.

If you have a difficult time answering from your childhood perspective, we
would recommend that you answer thinking of yourself at a time when
you’ve been most comfortable with yourself–when you felt you were being truest to yourself, instead of acting how outside influences wanted you to act. When answering the questions, think about your very most natural, innate, gut instinct–what you would do if nothing from the outside were influencing your decision.

What if none of the answers fit me?

On some questions you may find that none of the choices really speak to
you. Again, not every question is going to have a perfect answer for every
person–we factor that in when we score the profile results. Pick the choice
that feels the MOST like you, even if you hardly identify with.

What if I’ve changed? Does my color change?

Your core color will not change. What might change are your behaviors.
Throughout life we are subjected to influences that affect our personality
behaviors. For example, if a person with a Yellow DCM is raised by
parents who have Red DCMs that person will take on the some of the
strengths and limitations of a Red personality.

Why do I act one way at work and another way at home?

Different circumstances require us to show up with different strengths to
make progress, adjust to culture, “fitting in” with your teammates. Focus on
getting congruent with who you are – the closer you feel like you can be
your authentic self, the more positive impact you can make on your
environment. Bringing the strengths of other colors into your world is a the
goal, but always knowing that your core is how you most powerful move
through the world.

Aivatek Inc