What Motivates You
Hartman Color Code is different than ANY of the other personality profiles on the market today. It is the ONLY profile that identifies Driving Core Motives (DCM). Most other popular tests and profiles strictly identify your behavior and leave it at that. In other words, the Hartman Color Code helps you to understand why you do what you do versus simply what you do. You can’t possibly begin to understand yourself, if you don’t know what motivates you!
Let the Hartman Color Code be a part of your life. Improve your relationship vision to a perfect 20-20. Don’t you think life is already hard enough without being able to see the big picture clearly? We can explain where the puzzle pieces go-and more importantly, why they go there.
Once you have embraced the Hartman Color Code, you will understand why so many people claim that they can never see themselves or others the same again after having learned this system. This is your code to successful relationships. We guarantee it 100%.

REDS: Power
Reds are the go-getters—driven, determined, and unstoppable. They make things happen, moving swiftly from vision to reality.

BLUES: Relationships
Blues bring heart to life. They thrive on meaningful connections, creating bonds built on loyalty, trust, and understanding.

Yellows light up the world with energy and joy. For them, happiness isn’t a goal—it’s a way of life, found by living fully in the moment.

Whites are the calm in the storm. They seek harmony, balance, and acceptance, bringing a gentle, steady presence to every situation.
For over three decades, The People Code (formerly The Color Code) and The Character Code have revealed a simple truth: life is all about relationships.

“As a psychologist, author, leadership coach, and consultant, I’ve spent my life helping people unlock their potential by understanding who they are—and why they behave the way they do. Through the People Code Personality Profile, individuals discover their core motivations and gain powerful tools to build richer, stronger relationships. The magic lies in identifying four fundamental personality types—Red, Blue, Yellow, and White. These “color profiles” offer a roadmap to understanding yourself and others, transforming relationships at work, at home, and in life. From boardrooms to classrooms, athletic teams to non-profits, people have experienced breakthroughs by learning how to communicate better, collaborate smarter, and celebrate their differences. This understanding leads to higher performance, creative innovation, and deeper human connection. Today, more than ever, the message is clear: knowing yourself and embracing others makes life better. I’m passionate about helping people celebrate their individuality, navigate challenges, and find joy in connection. As a “fun-loving” Yellow personality, I live life with energy and optimism—active in mind, body, and spirit—and I believe that by embracing who we truly are, we can create lives filled with purpose, peace, and joy.”
– Dr. Hartman