About The People Code
The essence of character is the ability to enhance not only your own life, but the lives of others as well.

Through The People Code (formerly published as The Color Code) and The Character Code, I provide a universal message, simple and profound: life is about relationships.
As an author, psychologist, corporate consultant and leadership coach, my life’s work has centered on providing an insightful system for improving your understanding of yourself and others and strengthening your day-to-day relationships with the People Code Personality Profile.
The People Code explains the “why” behind the “what” by identifying four basic personality types and showing you how to use “color profiles” to cultivate rich and balanced character and relationships.
All people, possess one of four driving “core motives,” classified by color:

(get things done – move A-to-B)

(Connection in meaningful relationship)

(create harmony and acceptance in life)

(happiness comes by living in the moment)
Whether in business, education, athletics, or non-profits, individuals and organizations have experienced breakthroughs in communication and understanding leading to better results and new found ways of performing and working together.
After 30 years (now, more than ever), I see the message of the People Code Personality Profile as an essential life skill I must share with others. I remain deeply committed to traveling and seeing how people throughout the world, embrace their individual identities as well as how they create unique cultures. I am passionate about improving lives and helping people with their mental health issues. I stay active physically, mentally, and spiritually and am a “fun-loving” yellow personality.

About Taylor Hartman

About Taylor Hartman

5.0 out of 5 stars
Very Beneficial!
The Color Code has been so beneficial that I purchased it after borrowing and reading the library copy. Identifying my color helps me understand my strengths and weaknesses. I also keep it handy to help me understand other people. By understanding their color, it helps me relate on their wave length. I have used other personality tests before, but The Color Code was clear and easy to apply. Dr. Hartman keeps you engaged with humor and real life application you can relate to.